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Stainless Steel Rods

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Stainless steel Rods are hard and tough. Stainless steel Rods are magnetic, ductile and also retains its strength and cutting edge regardless of temperature. Stainless steel rods (stainless steel round bar) can also be threaded to securely hold objects together. Stainless steel Rods are not a good conductor of heat and electricity,

There are five major types of stainless steel rods like Duplex, Precipitation Hardening, Austenitic, Ferritic and Martensitic.

Metal rod is necessary in any industry. Stainless Steel bars are widely used in a various industrial sectors like fabrication, cement, automotive, heavy earth moving equipment and construction, paper and pulp, textile, defense, shipbuilding, etc. Stainless Steel Rods are majorly used in building foundations, parking garages, barrier walls, highway bridges, tunnels and marine facilities.

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Alloy Casting, Alloy Castings, Alloy Steel Castings, Aluminium Bronze, Aluminium Bronze Pipe, Aluminium Bronze Scarp, Aluminium Flat Bar, Carbon Steel Casting, Cast Iron Casting, Cast Iron Casting Machining, Cast Iron Castings, Duplex Stainless Steel Castings, Ferrous Castings, Gray Iron Castings, Gunmetal Casting, Horizontal Centrifugal Casting, Non Ferrous Castings, Phosphor Bronze Bushes, Phosphorous Bronze Castings, Phosphorus Bronze Castings, S. G. Iron Castings, Stainless Steel Castings, Stainless Steel Rods, Steel Castings, Super Duplex Component, Titanium Parts